
The Best Places To Tap Into Expert Business Knowledge

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We all know that knowledge is power and this is especially the case in the business world. The more you know, then the further you will go. However, it can sometimes be difficult knowing the best places to go to learn everything that you need to know in order to get ahead in your company. Thankfully, it isn’t that hard to find the best resources where you can tap into some expert business knowledge. Here are a few places you can absorb some wise words from the experts.

Expert Business Knowledge

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Watch TED Talks

You will have surely already heard about TED Talks by now. They are an initiative that strives to get speakers who are experts on all kinds of subjects to give talks and speeches on their specialist topic. If you take a look at the current back catalog of videos, you will see that there are some on a lot of different business topics. Once you’ve watched a few I’m sure you’ll have a much deeper knowledge on some of business’s trickier topics!

Follow Business Blogs

You should also find following a couple of business blogs will be really useful as well. Most blogs are run by experts in the business field and they will also post articles and blog posts from some very knowledgeable writers as well. Some blogs might even interview current business experts and thought leaders. For instance, the gamification interview linked to on that page gives you the chance to read some insights from Kris Duggan. Not only will following blogs give you the chance to tap into some expert knowledge, but they can also help you stay up to date with current corporate trends in your sector.

Find A Mentor

If you struggle to learn anything new from the sources above, you might find it more beneficial to find yourself a mentor. You might know someone who is a lot more experienced in your current workplace who might be willing to take you under their wing so that they can pass on your wisdom to you. Some people are professional mentors and you can hire them for a number of sessions. They’ll be able to review your current work performance and let you know how you could improve. They’ll also have a few handy nuggets of inspiration to pass onto you too.

Create A Twitter List

If you love to use Twitter, then you might already know about the List function. One way to utilize this feature is to create a Twitter list of business experts who you really admire. Then, whenever you check your list of business experts, all of their knowledgeable tweets will be grouped together in one space. It will then be a lot easy to dip in and out of all this expertise whenever you need to. Plus, you might see some very useful articles that these people share with their followers.

As you can see, there are so many different ways you can tap into expert business knowledge. Why not try a few?!

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.