
Launching A Product In The Click of Your Fingers

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Nothing is more exciting than being jolted awake in the dead of night by a new product idea so great it felt like a lightning bolt to the brain, your mind spinning like a top as you search you frantically search your bedside drawer for a pen and something to write on. The problem is you’re terrified of the process because everything from concept to launch is overwhelming. Well, we’re here to tell you that doesn’t need to be the case. Not at all. And we know this because we spoke to someone that recently launched a new product brand in one working week.

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So, without further ado, here is a step by step guide to everything you need to know. Now take the leap and create that something the world needs.

1. Memorable And Brandable

That moment you come up with a brand name that is impossibly good is like no other and that’s because coming up with a name that can be branded is as important as any other. That said, before you go with it, you need to make sure it is available… everywhere. Domain name, social media handles, everything. If it is, you then need to think about your perception and whether you want a dot com for the global appeal or something more local sounding. As for social media, the bare minimum needs to be Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Period.

2. Lock Down A Manufacturer

When it comes to picking a manufacturer, the most important aspect is timeliness. You want someone that will communicate with you effectively and deliver on time. This is where your idea with be brought to life, so if something doesn’t feel right, cross them off your list right away. Trust us, nothing can cripple a brand more than a delayed launch or manufacturing mistake.

3. Get Your Funding In Place

The more money you have behind you the better chance you have of being successful. It’s that simple. That’s why you need to get your funding in order, whether that means applying for backing at this website or diving into your savings and putting your money where your mouth is.  Yes, money will allow you to make a better product, but it will also allow you to have a better launch and boost your marketing and that is where real success comes from.

4. Logo & Packaging Are Next

The moment you have the name in place and all the relevant domains, you need to get a graphic designer to start working on different logo designs and a freelance creative copywriter to give your brand the right voice. While all that is happening, you can then start sketching out some packaging ideas. Yes, the dream would be to have it right first time, but no one does this. Every brand out there has been through logo tweaks and packaging updates, so don’t be afraid to go gung-ho and iron out the little issues later on.

5. Website Needs To Be Launched

The quicker you can have a website pulled together and made live the better, even if you don’t have any of your products yet. This is because every single website visitor and conversion gets compiled into priceless data and that is what can be used to make your website more and more perfect as time ticks on.

Anyway, to leave you with a little word of advice: there is never a perfect time to launch, so jump in with both feet and learn from everything you do.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.