
Hosting Your First Business Event: Make It Easy

2 Mins read

When you’re running a business, there’s a lot of appointments you have to keep. You have a calendar filled to the brim with meetings and contacts and interviews that it can be hard to keep up with without an assistant; even keeping track of your employees can be difficult, never mind trying to reward them! But it doesn’t have to be an impossible process to keep up with, especially if you’re looking to profit more and more off of it.

hosting business event

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By 7th Son Studio

If you’re someone who’s just got their business of the ground, with a little office and a line of customers to sell to on a regular basis, congratulations! But now’s the time to expand a little, and use your success in this regard to bolster your future. A.k.a, it’s time to host your first business event, as a good way to market to more customers and investors, and to really prove your worth within your sector. So, let’s make it easy to do with the couple of tips below.

Use a Venue Near You

Far less transportation costs and the ability to play on your home turf, what could go wrong? There’s plenty of venues in every area up and down the country, make sure you’re choosing one of those to hang your business hat up on. And if the venue you have in mind isn’t big enough to host the thousand people you’ve invited, you can very well book it next door. Disaster averted!

You’ll also have the advantage of using local caterers and decorators, allowing you to bolster your standing in your local business community whilst you’re at it. And if you’ve got company contacts you can collaborate with when necessary, you’ll also be able to cut better deals when it comes to servicing your own workplace.

Use E-Vites

Yes, that word hasn’t been used since the mid-2000s at the latest, but there have been a number of great evite alternatives to pop up over the years. If you have an enter database of information at your fingertips, filled to the brim with important contacts and potential customers, why not simply send out a group wide invite to them? If you have a mailing list, you’ve already got some prime market to focus your efforts on!

Plus, it’ll take far less time than trying to write out an invite to go in the post, which you have to be very specific about, and you could very well cut out a huge portion of your market simply because you don’t have their individual addresses. And when there’s free online invitations available, you won’t even have to spend any extra money, giving your business costs margin a break.

If you’ve got a business event plan in mind, make sure you’re cutting out all of the excess work you’d have to do to keep it simple and successful! It’s a lot better to start at the ground and build up, making each consecutive event bigger and better; a surefire way to impress customers and investors alike.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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