
Three Easy Tips To Improve Organic Search Rankings

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If you’re working on improving your business outreach this year, you’ll know that SEO is an important part of your online toolkit. There are many paid ways to improve your ranking on search engines, but of course, if you’re cost saving, you always want to find an organic way to do things. Here are some easy tips to organically improve your search engine rankings.

improve search engine rankings

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By Sammby

Offer Quality Content

A good content strategy keeps customers and clients coming back to your website. An onsite blog is the easiest way to keep offering fresh, new content that encourages return visitors. Keep up to date with industry news and trends and share posts with tips, guides and thoughts on these trends.

Regular content tells search engines that your site is active and offering value, which can help boost you up the ranks. Don’t just post anything though; write for humans instead of for Google. Offer something useful, informative or entertaining. Content like this shows your customer that you’re trustworthy and knowledgeable. It also encourages people to share it, and you may generate a stronger click through rate from elsewhere. A strong organic CTR and Google Rankings can go hand in hand.

Avoid content that is overly promotional, as this can turn a potential customer off. If you’re struggling for content ideas, consider bringing in outside help, either from a content agency or a freelance content creator, if you’re not ready to hire someone full time.

Target The Right Keywords

If you’re new to SEO, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. You know you should be trying to rank for relevant keywords, but how do you know which one are useful?

Your keyword research should look at search volume and competition. One search term might get a lot of search traffic, but if everybody ranks for it, it’s going to be a lot harder and more expensive to claw your way up that search page. Instead, target a sweet spot term that has a balance between high search traffic but low competition.

Think about whether you want national, international or local ranking. For example, if you own a small interior decorating business, it’s going to be more important to rank well in your city than it is to rank in the country as a whole.

Build High Quality Links

At first, when links began to become a factor in search rankings, a lot of spammy methods were created, with website links strewn around the internet almost at random. Now, Google penalizes this sort of behavior, so it’s important to build quality links.

You can do this in a few ways. Arrange to write a guest post for a relevant blog or website. Join respectable business directories. Create content that people want to share so they link to it as a reference.

You can build links within your own site too. If you write a blog post that connects to something you wrote before, link to it. This is helpful for the reader, and could keep them on your site for longer, which looks good to Google.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.