
6 Tips For Solving Your Annoying Business Problem

3 Mins read

Ah, if only running a business could be an endlessly smooth journey. We’d work efficiently, forever reach our targets, and always be on the path towards success. Wouldn’t it be nice? Alas, that’s just not how the world works. Even when things are going well, we’re always one issue away from having a spanner in the works. When those moments arrive, it can feel like our upward curve has suddenly come to a halt, and there’s nothing for us to do. But don’t panic. One problem doesn’t have to be mean the end of the world if you know the right approach for handling the problem. Below, we take a look at how you can eradicate the problem and get your business back on track.

Business Problems

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Understand What It Is

You’re not going to find a solution until you know what exactly it is you’re trying to solve. When something is quite right, it’s tempting to put a patch on the problem straight away, but if you’re trying to cure the issue before understanding what the matter is, then it’s not going to work. As such, you’ll be well-served by getting to the root cause of the problem. If you don’t, you might find that you’ve taken care of one of the symptoms of the problem, but not the underlying cause.

Look at it From All Angles

Sometimes, the solution to a problem isn’t instantly obvious, even when you know what the problem is. As such, it’s best to take a scientific approach to finding a remedy. Make a list of all your possible solutions to the problem, and then look at them with a critical perspective (if you don’t know how, check out; do they stand up to intense scrutiny? What is the cost of going down this route? What are the benefits, and drawbacks? If you don’t take this approach, you might find that you solve the primary issue, but that several others pop up in its place. You wouldn’t put a fire out using water from the well if it meant you were then unable to get a drink!

Enlist The Help of Others

You shouldn’t try to do everything by yourself in business, simply because there’s no reason to do so! There are companies and experts who can help you to solve the problem you’re facing, and usually in a more efficient manner than you could do if you were just addressing the issue by yourself. If your difficulty is software based, then you can work with a company that makes custom software – a list is available at – to find a solution that works for you. If your problem is related to your workplace culture and productivity, then you can hire an HR expert to give an independent review and recommendations for improvement. Whatever your problem is, they’ll be someone out there who can help you make it a thing of the past.

Begin the Process Quickly

While you should avoid a knee-jerk reaction, you should get the process of remedying the problem underway as soon as possible, especially if the issue is fundamentally impacting your bottom line. Remember, it’s better to put an adequate solution in practice straight away, rather than enact a perfect solution when it’s too late.

Set Objectives and Review

If you’ve put a solution in place, then it’s imperative that you keep on eye on how well it’s working. To do this, first, you’ll have to set objectives, measures by which your actions can be judged. If you’re not making these objectives, then clearly something is wrong, and another approach is required. In any case, you should keep a close eye on the problem at hand, and only consign it to history once you’re sure that it’s no longer something you need to worry about.

Take a Break

Some issues are more difficult to get a grip on. When that happens, it can seem like you’re floundering, like nothing is going to work. This can be frustrating, but sometimes it’s just a matter of being too close to the problem, especially if it’s an issue to do with your leadership or management. When this happens, the best thing you can do is take a step back. Take a break for a few days, and you’ll soon have the level of perspective you need for the solution to come to you.

While you can’t prevent problems in business, so long as you know that there are plenty of options for you, you’ll always be able to limit their influence.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.