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Why Learning to Communicate With Millennials Is Key to Successful Leadership

successful leadership

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Ask anyone to list the top qualities of a leader, and communication skills will inevitably make the cut, usually somewhere near the top of the list.  The importance of communication is justified by mentioning the need to articulate a vision, provide guidance and insight, and bring clarity to job responsibilities and expectations.

In most cases, though, communication skills are used as a blanket term. Leaders are expected to communicate well with every group, in every situation, in every format. But as anyone who has ever worked as part of a team knows, there is no “one size fits all” way to effectively communicate. And nowhere is that becoming clearer than when it comes to communicating with millennials.

Why Millennials Matter

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Perhaps no other generation has been as scrutinized — and simultaneously praised and maligned — as millennials. They are lauded for their ability to disrupt the status quo while simultaneously blamed for “killing” thought patterns and even entire industries that have shown little change for generations. Experts can’t even really agree on what constitutes a “millennial,” although most agree that the title applies to anyone born between the years 1982 to 1994.

What most people can agree on is the fact that millennials are a force to be reckoned with, and are a vital part of today’s workforce. In fact, one recent survey indicates that within the next three years, millennials will comprise at least half of the American workforce. Many are moving into leadership roles, especially as older workers retire, and are bringing their unique work, communication styles, and expectations into those roles with them.

For leaders who are working with millennials, either as colleagues or as their supervisor, these new paradigms are presenting new challenges and opportunities. In many ways, this means taking stock of all their leadership skills, to make changes and adjustments to more effectively connect with younger workers. In many cases, this begins with reevaluating and seeking out education to improve leadership communication skills.

Communicating With Millennials

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We’ve all been on the receiving end of poor communication, and experienced the frustration, confusion, and in some cases, anger that can come with it. Poor communication can destroy even the most functional of teams, and is a leading contributor to employee dissatisfaction.

Knowing that, today’s female leaders have a responsibility to learn how to communicate with millennials, and to adjust their communication style to meet their needs. For example:

Learning to effectively communicate with millennials might feel awkward, or even frustrating, if you have already honed an effective communication style. Given the dominant role that this generation will play in the future, not to mention the fact that you are guaranteed to encounter millennial clients or customers, it’s important to develop these skills in order to remain successful as a leader.

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