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6 Business Benefits of Maintaining Positive Ties with Past Employee

Maintaining Positive Ties with Past Employee

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What happens when contracts end, and individuals are no longer company employees?  Some workers resign from their companies for various personal reasons. Sometimes, there are businesses that take offense and retaliate in a way. However, there are also companies that keep in touch with their former workers. These businesses still see the value in previous workers and remain in touch with them.

Retaining a good relationship with past employees is valuable for the following reasons:

1. Sources Of Referrals

When employees surrender company IDs, uniforms, and privileges, it’s not a complete goodbye. After the farewell party event ideas and bittersweet goodbyes with coworkers, you can still stay in touch with them.

For most companies, it’s important to sever ties on a good note. They’d want former workers to advocate for the company they once worked with. That means former employees who are on good terms with the company might refer people during hiring. They can also introduce the products or services of the company to people or businesses. They themselves have the potential to become loyal customers or business partners.

2. Can Potentially Become Boomerang Employees

When a company has good relations with former employees, they’re likely to come back to work for them again. They’re referred to as boomerang employees. Hiring former employees in the past was unusual. But, over the recent years, companies have begun to welcome them back due to role familiarity. Previous employees who like a company’s inclusive work environment are likely to come back. 

Former employees still know their responsibilities, as well as the company policies and culture. It takes less money to retrain workers who were in the company for some time before the end of their contracts. Companies are aware of the challenges when training new people. They take an average of four months before they become fully productive. Former employees, on the one hand, will only need a short refresher, depending on how long they were away. This way, the company can save not only money, but also time.

3. For Reviews And Advice

Companies tend to want opinions and impressions from other people. They can ask their former employees for honest reviews and give insights to new workers. Former employees can give advice on what improvements the companies need to make. 

Companies can also reach out to their former employees and ask them to write website reviews. They can help boost these brands’ popularity, especially if they do have faith in them. The reviews can help bring in customers that can boost reputation and improve sales.

4. Networking And Information Sharing

Building an alumni association of former employees can be an invaluable asset to companies. Those who left their previous companies for any reason might have moved onto other industries. They gain knowledge that might prove useful for their former companies. Thus, they can share insights and work with current employees and help equip them with new sets of knowledge. 

When you have ties to your former employees, they can serve as the bridge between current employees and your company. Former employees can also receive invites to company events. They may have to share with everyone what can help improve their work ethics and their overall view of the company.

5. Get Company Property Back

Companies can give their current employees access to certain tools to a certain degree. However, problems may arise once an employee leaves and brings along what they shouldn’t. It can be anything that they used for work such as a laptop containing sensitive information. Company property also includes information on customers and industry secrets. A former employee who takes company property becomes susceptible to lawsuits. Come what may, the company must secure their property to protect valuable information.

Retaining good ties with former employees are more likely to get their money back. An example is when they grant monetary assistance to the employee who must pay it back by staying employed. If the former employees leave without providing details, it will take time to find them. Exit interviews can help companies find more information from employees who are leaving. They can work on grievances and the former employee is likely to meet obligations still.

6. Become Brand Ambassadors

Companies who treat their people well can have previous employees spreading good words about them. Not only can they help attract customers, but they can also catch the attention of other businesses. In a nutshell, former employees can become ambassadors that companies can formally or informally work with to help with their branding.

In Conclusion

Former employees aren’t really gone for companies that see their value. Maintaining a good relationship with them can still help with your business because of their positive experiences. Former employees are also likely to return the favor for the way they’re treated while still in your company. All in all, the relationship you build with your employees can last and help you reap benefits even after their contracts expire.

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