Influencer MarketingMarketingSocial Media Marketing

4 Ways to Work with Marketing Influencers

2 Mins read

There are many components to marketing which can help your business reach success. Those such as flawless website copy, golden customer service, and trusted investors are among the more traditional aspects. However, working with marketing influencers is a tactic that has encountered much change over the last few years. While endorsements from influential figures have always given businesses the chance to grow, companies are now seeing collaborations emerge on new platforms, such as social media. Having a great partnership with a marketing influencer is essential, so it’s a good idea to take note of the best ways you can work with them.

Marketing Influencers

Shutterstock Licensed Image – By phoelixDE

Connect with them

Perhaps the trickiest part of working with a marketing influencer is finding one who wants to connect with you. If you are sending out the same stock message with the same pitch, it can be harder for your hopeful influencer to see a genuine working relationship developing during your campaign. Take a more personal approach and make the switch to other mediums like LinkedIn, where typing out a snappy but convincing message takes little time.

How does it benefit them?

There is no doubt that working with a marketing influencer will benefit your campaign and business, but it will be hard to get someone to work with you if they don’t see how it can benefit them. When you are approaching somebody to endorse your brand, you should first make a list of everything they can gain from your partnership. It could include linking their content to your website or giving them the chance to promote themselves in a customer testimonial for your products. In any case, it will be easier for them to accept your proposition when they also stand to benefit from it.

Use social media

In recent years, social media has brought a whole new layer to the world of influencing. Where traditionally content writers, celebrities, or big players in the industry would endorse your brand, there are regular people on social media who have become the biggest influencers. Platforms such as Instagram have become a goldmine for this, where some companies can rely solely on influencer sales to keep their business afloat. When you approach them, you can offer your influencer a free product, where they will go on to review it and promote it on their channel. Ideally, you should avoid any mistakes by bringing a digital marketing team like on board to develop a foolproof social media strategy with your marketing influencers.

Ensure good communication

When you start any working relationship, great communication is key to ensuring satisfaction on both sides. Luckily, this has become much easier recently due to the ease with which you can contact people from the comfort of your own handheld device. Within this sphere, it’s also wise to make sure you have multiple resources on hand in case your influencers need anything more to boost your campaign. This will also increase your chances of securing a partnership with them in the future should you be bringing out any new products or services.

1412 posts

About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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