
How You Can Be A Great Leader In Your Business

2 Mins read

When you run a team of people, you need to acquire skills that will help you be the leader that they need, and also that your business needs. Being a good leader takes more than having an assertive voice and being able to make decisions on the spot. You need to be able to inspire, rally, and also praise the work that your staff are doing. Want to know more about how you can be a great leader? Check out these tips on how to be a great leader in your business.

be a leader in your business

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By UfaBizPhoto

Act as you want them to act

One of the worst things is being told how you should be acting, and then seeing the complete opposite from the person who’s told you to do so. Don’t be that person in your business (unless you’ve got a good enough reason not to be) and make sure that even you are abiding by your own rules. Being a good example to your staff will rub off on them, and you will notice the change sooner than you think. Your staff will also respect you more if they can see you obeying the same rules that they have to live by.

Take some training!

When you start your own business, it’s likely that you’ve not really thought about becoming the leader in a team of people, and if you don’t already have any skills to help you within that role, then you need to learn some! Luckily Six Sigma offer training in operational excellence, which will allow you to learn not only leadership skills, but many others that will help you accelerate your business to its full potential. Consider investing in this training for the sake of you, your business, and also your staff members.

Acknowledge even the small achievements

A good leader will always congratulate achievements to push that person into becoming the best version of themselves within the workplace. Try to remember to celebrate and acknowledge even the smallest of achievements so that you can keep everybody in high spirits. Part of being a team leader means that you’ve got to ensure that everyone is happy within their role and also performing at their best. Taking notice of everything good that your staff are doing will help push them to be the best they can be.

Be open minded

Finally, there will come a time where you find yourself having to discipline someone within the workplace. This can be difficult for both parties, and if you’ve never had to have this kind of conversation with someone, then you will really feel the strain. While it’s important to make sure that you get your point across, it’s also essential to remain open minded. Perhaps this staff member is struggling in some way that could be affecting their work? Make sure you’re getting all of the information before taking a course of action so that you can remain a fair and brilliant leader in your business.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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