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How to Effectively Organize and Present Data

Transparency is the nerve center of modern business-client relationships. Simply put, you need to prove that your strategies work and that hiring you is worth the investment.

Now, irrespective of your industry, there are numerous automated tools that will help you track the performance of your campaigns and stay on top of relevant metrics in real-time. The problem, however, lies in organizing the data you’ve collected and picking the information relevant to your client. Most importantly, you need to know how to present your results effectively, so all parties can understand them.

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Here are a few super-engaging tactics that will help you make your data presentation highly informative and yet, easy to follow.

Understand your Audience and Tailor your Language to Them

Understanding your target audience and adapting the structure of your presentation to them is a key element of a good report. For example, presenting the results of a campaign to the management and a client is not the same. In other words, you need to tailor your language to your target audience.

Keep in mind that the report you’re creating is not your opportunity to show off your great knowledge and skills. Packing your presentations with a bunch of boring data or using industry-specific terms your clients or superiors don’t understand will only confuse them. This may even make them think you yourself are not sure what you’re talking about.

Precisely because of that, you need to make sure each piece of information you present is clear and understandable to laymen. When including some concepts difficult to comprehend, explain them first in plain language so your listeners can understand them right away. Focus on key information and filter out anything that is not relevant to the listeners.

Combine Different Media to Make your Data Presentation Digestible

Mountains of dry statistics, bulleted points, and data may be too overwhelming to your clients from other niches. No matter if you’re sending a report or presenting your data in a conference room, you need to keep your listeners focused and engaged from beginning to end.

And, the best way to do so is to combine different presentation formats. For example, I often hear people debating what is better- textual or visual data presentations. Honestly, I don’t see the point in choosing between these forms of presentations. When merged together, they will engage your audiences effectively and bring greater value to them.

For example, applying good storytelling and putting your goals, results, and expectations in the right context is always a great way to connect with your target audience. Combined with nice, colorful visual representations of your data like charts and graphs, your textual presentations will be easier to digest and comprehend.

Tie your Metrics to Business Goals

Presenting data to stakeholders or managers is simpler, as they are familiar with how the industry works. However, explaining your results effectively to clients may be quite challenging. Namely, they will probably ask a bunch of questions about your strategies, prices, reasons behind your strategies, and how your tactics are impacting their bottom line.

This is exactly why you need to track the right metrics. When observed in a vacuum, your KPIs are just a bunch of meaningless numbers. This is why you need to contextualize them and tie them to specific business growth goals.

In order not to overwhelm a client, don’t report metrics that don’t matter. Emphasize how different tactics impact their business goals and focus on only those metrics that support your results. This will make things clearer to your clients and help them understand the practices you’ve been using and why you’re relying on them in the first place.

Make Data-Backed Predictions

Your clients want to see continuous progress and greater profits. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. It is important to stay honest with them and tell them where they are. If the results aren’t as positive as they should be, you need to prove you’re capable of handling this situation. Make data-backed predictions of their progress and make your plans fully transparent. Offer reasonable solutions to a certain problem, such as proposing a different approach or updating the strategy you’ve been using.

By clearly communicating the results of your work and your next steps, you’re telling your client that you understand how the industry changes and that you can help them stay on top of it in the long-run. Now, I may risk sounding like a broken record, but I need to emphasize once again the importance of honesty in data presentations. Every prediction and promise you make needs to be based on valuable and timely KPIs. Stop measuring and presenting vanity metrics – ones that look good, but drive no results.  

Over to You

Collecting loads of data, analyzing it, organizing it, and finally, presenting it effectively is probably the least favorite aspect of your business. However, it’s key to building strong client relationships. So, make sure your data presentations are highly engaging, transparent, easy to understand and, above all, tailored to different clients’ needs.

How do you present your data to your clients?

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