If you’re under the age of thirty, the idea of simply watching your business’s funds accrue in a savings account doesn’t fill you with excitement. Age is on your side. You have the time and energy to be a tad more aggressive with your business profits and to strive for a more lucrative return on your investment. While you might not have your retirement as a major motivation for your investments, it should be something you start considering sooner rather than later. Too many people leave it until their mid-forties or early-fifties before they begin to prepare for their twilight years. By this point, it’s too late to initiate a more aggressive investment strategy, especially for the entrepreneur, and working for longer is the only way to achieve the quality of life you want for your later years.
As well as wanting to see a decent return on your investment, you might be inclined to entertain different and slightly kookier investment options. Ploughing your money into something fun, original and exciting can lead to outstanding profits that could fund your larger premises or new product line. Take a look at these interesting and unique investments that could inspire you to do something a little special with your hard-earned cash.
Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By SFIO CRACHO
Investing in wine doesn’t mean heading to your local liquor store and picking up a crate of the cheapest bottles of plonk you can get your hands on and hoping that they’ll increase in value if you lock them away in a dark room for a while. You need to take a look at the vineyards of France, Spain and Italy and assess which years were particularly spectacular vintage classics. Get your hands on a sought-after label like the ones explored at vinfolio.com, and you could find yourself with a nifty little investment. Just like good art, a decent caliber wine increases in value the longer you keep it as it becomes more scarce and there are fewer unopened bottles floating around in collectors cellars. Try to buy a dozen decent bottles and stick with them for a good few years. See this investment as a decade-long investment before you sell. Work out your percentage return, and you’ll inevitably outperform any savings interest you could have built up over the same amount of time.
Banksy, et.al.
While the elusive British street artist may be a tad out of your price range now, the allure of graffiti and street art hasn’t dimmed over the past twenty years. Banksy set a trend and began a phenomenon. Celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are big fans of the unknown artist and have a number of his pieces in their collection.
While you might not be able to afford a piece of satirical art from the master of the streets, there are other up and coming street artists that you might want to invest in. C215 is the most urban of portrait painters, Roa designs more realist and anatomical animal creations, and Hyuro is flying the flag for female street artists. There is a vast array of artists across the globe that are worth a dabble on. Invest in what you like and something that you enjoy looking at. The chances are that if you do, someone else will, and you may find yourself bathing in profit.
Vacation Rentals
Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By Kaspars Grinvalds
While the usual property hotspots for holidaymakers are the south of France, the coast of Florida or some condo adorning a generic warm tropical island paradise, you should consider thinking a little outside the box. You could consider a destination like Indonesia and venture to a site like rumahdijual.com/ to discover well-priced condos and apartments that are already fully furnished and ready to let. Purchasing a property like this and letting it out through a company that fully manages your property could see you receiving a large rental yield. While you’ll need a large outlay to fund your purchase, you could see yourself making money while your asset continues to grow in value.
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Undiscovered gems like Indonesia, Cape Verde and Bali can offer beautiful pads at low prices. By getting in there early and purchasing before the tourists flock to the un-spoilt destination, you’ll see a greater return on your investment. While this strategy could be seen as risky, if you’re in it for the long term you can afford to be aggressive and try to outperform the property market at home.
Coins And Stamps
When you think about antiques and artefacts that are worth a punt, stamps and coins always come high up on any list. The main reason for this is that they are becoming rarer year on year. Every few years, more coins are getting misplaced, becoming lost in bequeathed estates and being donated to museums. The same goes for stamps. If the market sees fewer of these items yet demand remains strong, they will inevitably increase in value.
While you may not be able to invest in a Penny Black or an Elizabethan Groat, you might be able to assess those stamps and coins that could be sound investments for the future. Think about the cheaper stamp collections available from national postal offices. Make an effort to pick them up and put them away in a drawer. In just a few decades, you may find that you have a valuable little collection. Whatever you do, don’t use them. They must remain in pristine unused condition.
Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By Wright Studio
Forget the bitcoin, it’s all about Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple. Invest in one of these quirky sounding cryptocurrencies, watch the market, and sell when you feel like you’ve hit the maximum return on your investment. Highly volatile, cryptocurrency is largely unregulated and a bit of a minefield for novices. However, choose wisely, have a flutter, and you could see a lucrative return very quickly. You’ll need to have your wits about you and only ever invest what you can afford to lose.
Investing the profits of your company isn’t an older person’s game, it’s a wise person’s luxury. Take a look at your business savings account, take out some of this money and have a go at investing in something a tad more weird and wonderful.