BusinessSmall Business

Making Good Use Of Things You Don’t Need

2 Mins read

Now is the time to be innovative, to be daring, take risks and without any cliche, think outside the box. Small businesses are taking on the giants of their respective industries like never before. Talk about giving the so-called giants of industry a run for their money, small businesses are now putting their fingers in all the pies. No longer are we subject to only the domestic markets; we can import and export as we like. We can save money in all aspects of our business and still churn out better products and services than some of the most well-known kinds of industry. Part of what makes small and medium sized businesses so effective is that they can make good use of things they don’t need. Have you ever thought of doing the same?

A weekend profits

Office space is in abundance these days but that doesn’t mean every budding entrepreneur and small business can afford the prices. If you work 5 days a week and have your own office, you could be making a weekend profit by renting out your office over Saturday and Sunday each week. You should speak to a commercial real estate agency and put up your place of work for renting. The contract must say that your machines must not be harmed, the general hygiene of the place is kept high and that proper care and attention to the safety and security of the office is adhered to.

Boxes of paper

Businesses receive a lot of packages and parcels all the time. It could be to test a product a client is offering you; it might be for office equipment or it could just be boxes of office paper. Either way those cardboard boxes are not to be thrown away in the skip outside. They could be put to good use. Speak to a cardboard bales company and they can not only take away your baled cubes but they can take them to some specific businesses upon your request. So, if you have a partnership with an office supply company you can send them recycled office paper which the baling company will take to them. This is a great way to lessen your overall monthly bill for supplies but also, get rid of things you don’t need lying around.

Vehicles on lease

If you have a fleet of delivery trucks albeit small, and again you’re not going to be working on weekends then these too can be used by another business. You can either rent them out for the weekends or if you have one or two extra trucks just lying around not being used, you can lease them to businesses. Many small businesses don’t want to sign contracts with more expensive delivery companies but still get their products to their customers’ front doors. The standard 9 to 5 delivery times still apply so you can have your trucks ready for you on Monday morning.

Make great use of things you either don’t want or use and you could make a killing without even trying. Small businesses often need a leg-up to get started and you could be that someone who provides it for them all while making a quick buck.

1412 posts

About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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