As the big boss in your business, everyone one of your employees will be looking up to you for guidance and support as they do their jobs. Whilst you are in charge, it is the workers you employ that bring your vision to life and make your company thrive, so it is incredibly important you are able to show your appreciation to them when they do great work. It can be difficult to find ways of showing said appreciation as when an employee is exceptional; you may feel praise is simply not enough. To help you out, this guide will walk you through exactly why giving gifts to your employees is a good idea and some winning ideas to get you started.

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Giving something back
When you give an employee praise, it can make their day and put a spring in their step, increasing morale and work ethic. The importance of rewarding employees goes beyond this, however, as it not only acknowledges that an employee is doing good work but motivates them to continue. By giving an employee a gift, you are letting them know they have gone above and beyond the call of duty in their job which allows them to feel proud of the work they have achieved. Alternatively, making sure every employee has something on their birthdays is a great idea, as it will make employees feel that you care for them personally, encouraging them to give you their best efforts. Now, all you need to know is the kind of gifts that you should get them.
For the love of sport
A fantastic idea is to go for gifts that give the employee something to do outside of work so that they are able to enjoy their weekends and come back in refreshed on Monday from the experience. If you are praising a worker who enjoys sports, then you should go to the ticket sale website where you can purchase NFL game tickets. Another great factor about getting sports tickets for an employee is that the popularity of sports means their co-workers will see this gift and want to get their hands on it themselves, prompting them to work even harder to get in your favor, and hard work is great for the company.
Back to nature
Of course, if you are dealing with someone more introverted, getting them a physical gift rather than an experience might be the better option. There are many indoor plants suitable for an office that can help brighten up anyone’s day, and such a gift is perfect for someone who is at a desk from nine to five. The Jade Plant or African Violets are both popular choices for offices and can have the added bonus of improving the air quality.
When you get stuck
Of course, when times are busy, or you are buying presents on mass for Christmas, you might not have the time to get a personalized gift for everyone, but this doesn’t mean you have to leave people out. An easy way to make sure everyone is happy is to get them gift cards which they can use to buy their own gifts with.