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3 Ways To Setting Up A Membership Organization Successfully

membership organization

Shutterstock Licensed Photo - By Mathias Rosenthal

So, you want to set up a membership organization or association in an area that you’re experienced or knowledgeable in? Or maybe you want to pursue and interest or support a certain cause? Well, here are three things to think about to make sure that you can make this a success.

1. Have Great Value

So first of all, you need to outline your values – what your organization stands for. Sure, rules should definitely come under this section too, but ideally, they will be relatively relaxed. You’ll want to make it clear what your organization or association is about, so that members know what they’re involved with.

2. Treat Your Members Well

Now, this second point really should go without saying. But if you really want this to be a success, you have to be good to your members. You need to be a good leader, you need to encourage people to get involved and to interact, and you have to give them a reason to be a member in the first place. So, keep this in mind as you’re getting set up.

3. Make the Important Parts Easy

And then, when it comes to the most important parts of running the organization or association, you’ll want to make these easy. One thing that comes under this is voting. But this can be tough if people can’t make meetings, or maybe they need time to think about their answer. So, pre-voting, as outlined in the infographic below, can be really easy and useful here.

Infographic Design By Download the Pre-Voting Infographic

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